ID: 1090620
Court Record

Judge Fredd: The court convicts engineer Hurst and sentenced him to ten years of work in technetium mines. Lawyer Lehman: Your Honor, I protest. My client is innocent.(Laughter among the jury and in the hall. Cry: "In gives!") Judge: Are you kidding, Lehman? Mark Hurst just confessed to the theft of funds and forgery of documentation. Lawyer: Your Honor, Mark Hurst does not interest me. I represent Mike Hurst, the twin of the accused. As you know, a few months ago, Mike received a work injury incompatible with life. The Hurst brothers voluntarily agreed to participate in Dr. Morris’s transplant experiments. Two people live in Mark Hurst’s body: he and his twin brother. I affirm that my client is not guilty of the charges. Where does our justice go if we make one brother responsible for the sins of another?(Whispering in the hall). Judge: Frankly, Lehman, you took me by surprise. Good. Let Hirst's second consciousness be paused. I heard it is possible. Lawyer: That is, upon waking up, my client will find that his body has aged ten years and has worn out from hard work? That he is no longer fit to perform the duties of an engineer, and that the project on which he worked no less than his brother has been transferred to other people? What misconduct did he deserve this punishment, your honor? Judge: You did not think about finding your client another body? Lawyer: Oh no. An experiment is purely voluntary. My client signed a contract under which he agrees to exist only in his brother’s body. Judge: I announce a break! Damn you with these advanced technologies of yours. I have to think it over. (The protocol breaks off at this point. As is known from the textbooks of Ardetayn law, citizen Hurst was eventually found not guilty, and transplantation of consciousness into the body of another carrier was prohibited by law.)
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- 1 Court Record
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Added by Bloodmarry (21-02-2022)