ID: 4530113
[Guide] Master Forager
icon Quest
Level: 1
Roster Quest
Zone: Medrick Monastery

Required quests:
- The Wrath of Thirain
- [Guide] Mining, Using a Pickaxe
- [Guide] Fishing: Dropping a Line
Prerequisite for quests:
- [Guide] Logging: Saw Good
- [Guide] Excavating: Dig Deeper
Medrick Monastery in West Luterra
- Talk to Master of Trade Skills Awella
- Talk to NPC Awella
Talk to Awella
- Receive a Novice Foraging Tool
- Talk to NPC Awella
- Equip a Gathering tool
Plants to Forage
- Click or press to forage (0/5)
Start NPC:
I need to look for plants to forage.
I can equip a foraging tool to forage for myself.
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