ID: 1091113
At the End of Truth #4/4

(The final piece of the diary lies forlorn and abandoned.)I have to clean my blade, but I cannot bring myself to do it.They say that every Delain in Feiton experiences this.Yes, everything I've done, it's been for Avesta, for Feiton.I did what needed to be done.I will be on my next mission soon.The one changed by the Chaos Shard.Once I kill him, I will be able to rise even higher in the ranks of Avesta.If I ever meet them again, I hope they will understand me.No, I'm sure they will.
Hidden story objects:
- 1 At the End of Truth #1/4
- 2 At the End of Truth #2/4
- 3 At the End of Truth #3/4
- 4 At the End of Truth #4/4
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If some marker on the map is located outside of the level bounds (on the white background), it usually means that's there is some hidden route to it.
If some obstacle is blocking your way to the marker, try to kill some mobs in that area. This could remove the obstacle or open another way to the marker.
Some objects are located inside the building/caves. They have a special note in the popup tooltip of the marker (click on the marker to see the tooltip).
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Liliteve 12-03-2022 12:28
im gebäude gerade aus bis ihr am ende seid da sind alle 4 rechts oben unten links
in the building straight ahead until you are at the end there are all 4 on the top right bottom left

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