ID: 7010101
Follow the Shadow
icon Quest
Level: 1
Roster Quest
Zone: Wavestrand Port

Required quests:
- False Charge and Calling
- Will
- The Foreigner and the Girl
- The Wind at Your Back
Prerequisite for quests:
- Catch That Person
- Traces of the Servant: Children's Dream
- Traces of the Servant: Love Bears Fruit
- Servant's Echo: Heart's Memories
Story Progress:
- False Charge and Calling
- Follow the Shadow
- Catch That Person
- One Shot, Two Shots
- As you Follow the Tracks
- How to Remember a Hero
- Go to Borea's Domain
- Get a status update from Marilyn
- Talk to NPC Marilyn
- Discuss with Meehan
- Talk to NPC Meehan
Look around town and gather information
- Gather information
- Interact with object OBJECT #650228
- Gather more information
- Interact with object OBJECT #650228
- Gather even more information
- Interact with object OBJECT #650228
- Ask Meehan if he found any information
- Talk to NPC Meehan
Following the Servant's Shadow
- Go to Wavestrand Port
- Ask the Traders' Guildmaster Onesis for help
- Talk to NPC Guildmaster Onesis
- Check the tracking number by going through the expense record
- Interact with object OBJECT #650101
Start NPC:
There is a person pretending to be my servant. My investigation will start in Borea's Domain to find out who this person is.
- XP
- Roster XP
- Melody of Memories
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