ID: 1090240
Regent's Donkey Ears

There is some fierce profanity coming from the pot buried in the ground.Scherrit! You sorry excuse for a Human! You greedy old sack of bile, poisoning your own brother! Did you think that everyone would just follow you when you drove out your helpless nephew?I may seem to be playing along, but that's just because I've got many mouths to feed! Make no mistake! Once the prince grows in power, I'm through with you! Through and through!A thousand plagues be upon you! Even hell wouldn't take your miserable, putrid soul!
Hidden story objects:
- 1 Regent's Donkey Ears
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If some marker on the map is located outside of the level bounds (on the white background), it usually means that's there is some hidden route to it.
If some obstacle is blocking your way to the marker, try to kill some mobs in that area. This could remove the obstacle or open another way to the marker.
Some objects are located inside the building/caves. They have a special note in the popup tooltip of the marker (click on the marker to see the tooltip).

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