ID: 5109103
Grand Tooki Dreams
icon Quest
Level: 1
Roster Quest
Zone: Tooki Corporation

Required quests:
- Corporation Infiltration
Prerequisite for quests:
- Tooki Treasure Retrieval
- Read the Tooki Tooki Number Board closely
Tooki 838 wasn't promoted
- Speak with Tooka
- Talk to NPC Tooki 838
- Wait near Tooka, who is deep in thought
- Interact with object OBJECT #510942
- Speak with Tooka
- Talk to NPC Tooki 838
Promotion tips from two-digit Tookies
- Speak with a 90s-digit Tooki
- Talk to NPC Tooki 43
- Speak with a 70s-digit Tooki
- Talk to NPC Tooki 43
- Speak with a 40s-digit Tooki
- Talk to NPC Tooki 43
- Talk to Tooki 838
- Talk to NPC Tooki 838
- Meet a single-digit Tooki
- Talk to NPC Tooki 11
Tooki 838 was frightened by high digits
- Speak with Tooka
- Talk to NPC Tooki 838
Start NPC:
Tooki Tooki Number Board
I went inside Tooki Corporation and met Tooki 838. He introduced himself as Tooka and told me about the digits used by Tooki Corporation. Tooka says that in order to reduce the number of digits assigned to them, a Tooki has to pass a promotion exam. Can Tooka get promoted?
- Roster XP
- High Seas Coin Chest
- Silver
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