ID: 5093147
Of the Meadow, To the Meadow
icon Quest
Level: 1
Roster Quest
Zone: Azure Wind Island

Required quests:
- A Nod as Good as a Wink: Clang
- A Nod as Good as a Wink: Boom
- A Nod as Good as a Wink: Thud
- A Nod as Good as a Wink: Sprout
- A Nod as Good as a Wink: Flowing
- A Nod as Good as a Wink: Thump
Prerequisite for quests:
- Returning the Flowers
- Buried in Flowers
- Talk to the Meadowkeeper
- Talk to NPC Meadowkeeper
Return an egg to the nest
- Return a yellow egg to where it belongs
Return an egg to the nest
- Return a broken egg to where it belongs
Return an egg to the nest
- Return a white egg to where it belongs
- Return the meadow flowers
- Interact with object OBJECT #509369
Start NPC:
- OBJECT #509428
Now that the horse dolls are once again in their original locations, the giant horse doll may be touched.
I need to return the yellow egg, broken egg, and white egg to their nest to help bring new life to the meadow. This will bring me closer to the soul of the island.
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