ID: 5017102
Torches of Kindness
icon Quest
Level: 1
Roster Quest
Zone: Ice Maze Isle

Level: 50+
Watch whales or help around Notos Island to get Humpback Whale Oil
- Deliver to Shepherd Rahah
- Get item: - Humpback Whale Oil
- Talk to NPC Shepherd Rahah
Start NPC:
Shepherd Rahah
Shepherd Rahah uses whale oil torches in the Ice Maze to help adventurers find their way, but whale oil is not very easy to get. One way to get it is by watching for whales that breach the surface of the water, and another is to go to Notos Island, where the whales go to rest. With enough time and effort there, I should be able to get some whale oil.
If you already used the Humpback Whale Oil you got from Notos Island, try finding the Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel that visits the frozen seas of Shushire.
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Added by Kelzzyy (14-03-2022)