ID: 4502001
Sidereal: Galatur's Will
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: Great Castle

Required quests:
- Ratik
Prerequisite for quests:
- Sidereal Energy
Great Castle
- Meet Balthorr
- Talk to NPC Balthorr
- Head to Galatur's Workshop
- Interact with object OBJECT #610003
- Talk to Balthorr
- Talk to NPC Balthorr
- for Balthorr for his determination
- Talk to Balthorr
- Talk to NPC Balthorr
Organize Galatur's Workshop
- Remove Spider Web (0/3)
- Interact with object OBJECT #610005
- Move Piles (0/2)
- Help Balthorr to organize his piles
- Interact with object OBJECT #610008
- Talk to Balthorr
- Talk to NPC Balthorr
- Open the paper from Balthorr
- Talk to Balthorr
- Talk to NPC Balthorr
- Use and say Balthorr can do it
- Talk to Balthorr
- Talk to NPC Balthorr
- Go to Azena
- Interact with object OBJECT #610010
- Investigate Azena's whereabouts
- Talk to NPC Rothun Mage
- Move to Elzowin's Shade to find Azena
- Interact with object OBJECT #610011
- Check the World Tree Branch
- Talk to NPC World Tree Branch
- Talk to Azena
- Talk to NPC Azena
- Receive Tree Branch from Azena
- Talk to Azena
- Talk to NPC Azena
Great Castle
- Return to Balthorr
- Talk to NPC Balthorr
To start this quest get the :
- Sidereal: Galatur's Will
Sidereal Balthorr is said to be urgently looking for you in the great castle.
Listen to Balthorr's decision and make a weapon to prepare for a new war with him.
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