ID: 4301004
Basics of the Stronghold's Economy
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: Nameless Territory

Required quests:
- A Necessary Procedure
Previous quest in the chain:
- A Necessary Procedure
Prerequisite for quests:
- Those First Steps
<$HOTKEY_EMOTICON Town_Hud_Menu_1 0 0 -10 0 0 -10/>: Select Lab at the top of the screen
- Finish researching the Merchant Contract: Trade Permit
Buy from the trade merchant at the port
- Return to Adeline
- Get item: - Radiant Zagoras Crystals
- Talk to NPC Adeline
- Go to the front of the Manor
- Interact with object OBJECT #1129004
- Read Nahun's antique book
- Interact with object OBJECT #1129006
Having listened to Butler Adeline's explanation, it's time to start getting acquainted with the Stronghold's operations.
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