ID: 1201111
Love, Oh Love
icon Quest
Level: 1
Roster Quest
Zone: Nia Village

Quests from this group can only be completed once per day.
Required quests:
- Love's End
Prerequisite for quests:
- Your Name, Ever So Glittering
Story Progress:
- Letters to Punika
- Love's End
- Love, Oh Love
- Your Name, Ever So Glittering
- Eternal Love
Trace it back to the past
- Talk to Crocus
- Talk to NPC Crocus
Trace it back to the past
- Question merchant Aleja
- Question merchant Lucas
- Question merchant Mariana
Trace it back to the past
- Talk to Ariell
- Talk to NPC Ariell
Trace it back to the past
- Talk to Nia, the Matriarch
- Talk to NPC Nia
Trace it back to the past
- Fill out the resident information release form
- Interact with object OBJECT #109146
Trace it back to the past
- Talk to Nia, the Matriarch
- Talk to NPC Nia
Trace it back to the past
- Bring the list to Ariell
- Interact with object OBJECT #109147
Trace it back to the past
- Check the list together
Trace it back to the past
- Talk to Ariell
- Talk to NPC Ariell
Trace it back to the past
- Sort out the names in the list
Trace it back to the past
- Talk to Crocus
- Talk to NPC Crocus
The woman in his memories
- Talk to Leilee at the Western Garden
- Talk to NPC Leilee of Plaza
- Talk to Leilee in front of the office
- Talk to NPC Leilee of Plaza
- Talk to Leilee at the bookstore
- Talk to NPC Leilee of Plaza
- Talk to Leilee at the plaza
- Talk to NPC Leilee of Plaza
Start NPC:
Grandma Bernessa
Crocus is looking for a woman who he fell in love with 50 years ago. I'm determined to help him, but it looks like it's going to be a long journey.
- XP
- Roster XP
- Providence Stone
- Silver
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DoctorJohn 3-04-2022 01:48
Please keep in mind that the next quest in this chain will NOT be a yellow exclamation mark; it is a hidden object in Starsand. Check the page for the next quest to see pictures people posted.
ffhighwind 26-07-2022 02:06
Staviar 13-04-2022 13:23
Please not that if you have started A trace of Light from Nia, she will not be here during Love, Oh Love.
You need to either finish A trace of Light or abandon it in order to be able to finish Love, Oh Love.

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