ID: 50017
Ice Maze
icon Zone

The whole island is occupied by a huge maze, built centuries ago by an unknown architect. Nobody has managed to find a way out.
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If some marker on the map is located outside of the level bounds (on the white background), it usually means that's there is some hidden route to it.
If some obstacle is blocking your way to the marker, try to kill some mobs in that area. This could remove the obstacle or open another way to the marker.
Some objects are located inside the building/caves. They have a special note in the popup tooltip of the marker (click on the marker to see the tooltip).
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Kiriak 12-06-2020 15:18
Точки расположения мококо указаны на картинке. При входе на уровень персонаж появляется в одной из 15-ти случайных точек (отмечены серыми квадратиками).
Голубыми и красными точками отмечено расположение NPC. Розовым отмечены кратчайшие пути для выполнения заданий на острове.
Семя мококо в правом нижнем углу находится в тупике. Собрать его можно только появившись в этом месте при входе на уровень.
Sekwah 17-02-2022 05:46
Translated above comment:

"Mokoko location points are shown in the picture. Upon entering the level, the character appears in one of 15 random points (marked with gray squares).
The blue and red dots mark the location of the NPC. Pink marks the shortest paths to complete tasks on the island.
The mococo seed in the lower right is at a dead end. You can collect it only by appearing in this place at the entrance to the level."

Also adding this:
For the "dead end mokoko", you have a 1/15 chance of spawning in the correct place. This means that the chances are:
- 52% at 12 tries
- 75% at 23 tries
- 90% at 38 tries
- 99% at 75 tries

Yes, i did the maths while waiting in-between Songs of Escape.
Jiraiya 21-03-2022 05:35
Knapp nach 15-20 Versuchen bin ich dann endlich in den Dead End Bereich gekommen.wacko.gif

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Added by Kiriak (12-06-2020)