ID: 5041111
Large family
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: Fugitive Village

Prerequisite for quests:
- Old mistakes
Story Progress:
- Large family
- Old mistakes
- Fading focus
Send Gallin's kids home
- Track down Bampton
- Track down Jullo
- Track down Dikko
- Come back to Gallin
- Talk to NPC Gallin
- Talk to Annette
- Talk to NPC Annette
- Исполнить танец для детей ()
- Talk to Gallin
- Talk to NPC Gallin
- Eat dinner, proposed by Gallin
- Talk to Gallin
- Talk to NPC Gallin
- Forward merchant Mansu medallion
- Talk to NPC Mans
Start NPC:
Being a parent with many children is not easy: try to keep track of all the children at once, and even make money for bread. Gallin has five adoptive children in his arms and he understands better than many what kind of work it is to be the only guardian of a large family.
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