ID: 4501207
[Awakening] Light of a new hope
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: Trision

Only for: Summoner
Finish any quest from group:
- [Awakening] Hidden opportunities
- [Awakening] Forgotten Legacy
Prerequisite for quests:
- [Awakening] Mysterious letter
- [Awakening] A letter from a friend
<$HOTKEY_EMOTICON Menu_Inventory 0 0 -10 0 0 -10/> Verify backpack or mail
- Learn Awakening skill Kelsion
Start NPC:
Enwissa's last message has opened up previously unknown knowledge for you.
You have awakened sleeping power and now you must write a new fate.
If another character of the Mage archetype in your Legacy has already completed the Awakening quest chain, you can skip it again and complete a short quest in Trizion.
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