ID: 4301004
Estate Management Basics
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: -

Required quests:
- Important formalities
Previous quest in the chain:
- Important formalities
Prerequisite for quests:
- One more step
Нажать <$HOTKEY_EMOTICON Town_Hud_Menu_1 0 0 -10 0 0 -10/> и выбрать лабораторию в верхней части экрана
- Explore « Contract: first acquaintances »
Make a purchase at the port merchant
- Come back to Adele
- Get item: - Zagorsk gem
- Talk to NPC Adele
- Head to mansion
- Interact with object OBJECT #1129004
- To study Tom Runart
- Interact with object OBJECT #1129006
Listen carefully to Adele's teachings.
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