ID: 202002
Legends and fairy tales
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: Leonhart

Previous quest in the chain:
- Barutou's gift
Prerequisite for quests:
- Winter preparations are now the right time
- Great and groundbreaking
- [Guide] Seeker Marks
- Ask tavern owner Neria about the slab
- Talk to NPC Neria
- Ask equipment trader Aylara about the slab
- Talk to NPC Aylara
- Ask president of the adventurer association Ruden about the slab
- Talk to NPC Ruden
- Check the Viewpoint near the cathedral.
- Interact with object OBJECT #1001
- Talk to president of the adventurer association Ruden
- Talk to NPC Ruden
- Go to Portal Platform Manager Nail
- Talk to NPC Nail
- Activate the Portal Platform
- Interact with object OBJECT #900001
- Go to Portal Platform Manager Nail
- Talk to NPC Nail
- Look for poet Seira on the small square
- Interact with object OBJECT #20249
- Ask bard Shira about the slab
- Talk to NPC Seira
- To learn “Song of the Return” (notes are in your backpack)
- Talk to bard Seira
- Talk to NPC Seira
Unlike Haman, who can speak the language of ordinary people, His Holiness Barut expresses himself like a true high priest - in riddles and vague hints. He seemed to point to the trail of the Ark - the Shattered Chronicle, the main relic of the order, but this trail was immediately cut off. Part of the Chronicle is lost, but how, where and why - not a word! It is unlikely that the taverns and ordinary townspeople know more, but it is worth asking them. One thing is insulting: you will have to go to the "Pilgrim's Shelter" with knowledge, but without gold.
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