ID: 1314401
Horror from the bowels
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: Addacor's Cradle

Level: 99+
- Use peermit barrels
- Interact with object OBJECT #113958
Inspect the cradle of Addacor
- Move peermit barrels
- Interact with object OBJECT #113977
Inspect the cradle of Addacor
- Move peermite barrels to the cliff
- Search Addacor, horror from the bowels
- Interact with object OBJECT #113976
- Search Addacor, horror from the bowels
- Interact with object OBJECT #113960
- Put away a bunch of peermite
- Interact with object OBJECT #113974
Use peermit
- Destroy stone eggs (0/14)
- Interact with object OBJECT #113972
- Crack down on voracious larvae (0/28)
- Search Addacor, horror from the bowels
- Interact with object OBJECT #113961
Use peermite barrels
- To beat Addacor, horror from the bowels
- Talk to Pierre
- Talk to NPC Pierre
During the reign of Udgar the greedy, the Umars dug so eagerly and so deeply that they awakened an ancient evil, dozing in the depths of these lands. Horror from the bowels - that's what he was called. A giant underground worm, Addacor, with an impenetrable shell, destroyed everything in its path and was insatiable. To stop him, the Umars had to bring down their mines and bury the monster under the rubble. Since then, it was believed that Addacor was dead, but maybe he was sleeping all this time, and the morning explosion woke him up?..
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