ID: 1109304
Goblins in trouble
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: Parna Forest

- Talk to Guillenoy
- Talk to NPC Adele
- Carry report Queen Eadallin
- Подождать, пока королева Эадаллин не ознакомится с донесением
- Interact with object OBJECT #705011
- Отойти в дальний конец тронного зала и исполнить «»
- Talk to the Queen Eadalin
- Talk to NPC Eadalin
- Talk to Guillenoy
- Talk to NPC Adele
- Return to throne room
- Interact with object OBJECT #705013
- Search the queen
- Interact with object OBJECT #705014
- Study the Ea Dallin book
- Interact with object OBJECT #705024
- Read report
- Interact with object OBJECT #705025
Go to the Toothy Thicket
- Talk to the Queen Eadalin
- Talk to NPC Eadalin
Examine the symptoms of the disease
- Осмотреть первого гоблина
- Осмотреть второго гоблина
- Talk to the Queen Eadalin
- Talk to NPC Eadalin
- Cure goblins
- Talk to Elder Edith
- Talk to NPC Elder Balu
- Talk to the Queen Eadalin
- Talk to NPC Eadalin
- Talk to Guillenoy
- Talk to NPC Adele
Start NPC:
Queen Eadallin needs your help again. The mistress of Bern is trying to find out what caused the epidemic that hit her kingdom.
If you cannot find one of the characters, complete the other quests from your journal. Maybe the one you need is now in a different place.
If the desired character is missing, check the status of his task.

- Legacy Points
- Affinity EXP
- Shillings
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