ID: 889115
Alma de isla de Kalthertz

Recuento máximo de stacks: 1
Vincular al personaje al adquirirlo
No se puede desmontar.
La prueba de que la isla te ha aceptado.
Este objeto se puede intercambiar por varias recompensas en Opher, la Isla Solitaria.
[Usar - Cofre de recompensa]
[Usar - Morral de prisionero liberado]

Precio de compra: 10
Precio de venta: 1
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Winston 3-03-2022 07:22
Obtained by opening rewards mailed to you after you release prisoners (there is a mailbox on the island). You can release 5 prisoners per day for around 300-900 pirate coins per prisoner. The main room has around 3 prisoners at any given time, however you will have to contend with other players. There is a secret area just outside of this main prison-room with two extra prisoners, so you might try your luck there. To get here, just walk through the metal gate and down the stairs.

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