ID: 402014
Ancla de la Tempestad

Recuento máximo de stacks: 999
Ligar al elenco al recogerse
No se puede desmontar.
Una ficha necesaria para convertirse en capitán del Tragón, Depredador del Mar y Maestro de la Tempestad.
Es un objeto que debes poseer para llegar a ser el capitán del Tragón.
Precio de compra: 10
Precio de venta: 100
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Dedipapyrus 5-03-2022 20:54
You find the merchant in the Rohendel harbor.
Gibberish 9-03-2022 19:43
For those that cant find it, its just outside rohendel (2 ships outside) in the harbor.
the thing is , its not always there as they rotate the ships. If its not there you can talk to the other "fishing" ship and see how long it is until it ends it's sale (can see it in the exchange menu (top right) when it times out and despawns a new ship will spawn a few minutes after so you can get your anchor (5k sceptrum's coin)

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