ID: 7060032
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바다의 요람 페르마타의 '보물찾기 이벤트!' 퀘스트에서 승리
완료 보너스:
- 원정대 경험치
- 표제 [승리자] ( +3)
이 페이지의 데이터를 편집하려면 로그인하십시오..
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
FatLady 4-04-2022 12:43
How to get this:

1. Be on the Fermata Maindeck near the Gambling Vendor, slightly down the Stairs (see Screenshot)
2. The Event Shows up at xxh 08m 30s and starts at xxh 09m 55s BUT ONLY IF AT LEAST 2 PEOPLE ARE STANDING IN THE SPOT!!!
3. Win 30 times


Time (2.) is NOT fixed, today at server reset time changed to around 30m and might be different for every server, so you have to figure out yourself when the event starts on your server.
Just stand there for an hour and look at the chat log when the event failed/started

댓글을 남기려면 로그인
에 의해 추가 Fatlady (4-04-2022)
에 의해 추가 Fatlady (5-04-2022)