ID: 11411
Banc du Jusant
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Un port bâti sur la mer émeraude.
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celomiel 14-04-2022 14:58
Pour cette mokoko(22823) vous avez besoin du "chant d'harmonie" pour y accéder. Et pour la mokoko(22824) vous avez besoin de boire "mojito sucré".
Jarahagan 10-05-2022 04:09
Fantastic Duo 1/4- the picture is at Lailai Port at Tideshelf Path next to the Repairer in the corner. The painting (2/4) is also located on Tideshelf Path. Teleport to the triport in the Ashen Volcanic Area then head South and approach the jump interactive bottom of the map from the right. Make the jump and its on the elbow part on a volcanic rock. For #3 Check Nia Village for info and #4 Check Starsand Beach for info.

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