ID: 5078101
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
icon Quest
Level: 1
Roster Quest
Zone: Astella

Prerequisite for quests:
- Catch a Falling Star
Story Progress:
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- Catch a Falling Star
- Make a Wish
- Starlight Whispers
- Pure Heart
Stars falling all over the island
- Collect Stardust (0/42)
Start NPC:
Astronomer Curaso
In Astella, an astronomer works day and night
to uncover the secret of stars
that regularly fall from the night sky.
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lilithira 13-02-2022 06:24
You just run around the island looking for glowing orbs on the ground. Pick them up until you get 42 then turn them into the quest giver.
Seikatsukuro 1-05-2022 09:24
I'm not seeing this quest from Curaso. Is there a prerequisite that isn't listed here?

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