ID: 5074101
Scoop: Hypnos's Eyes
icon Quest
Level: 1
Roster Quest
Zone: Hypnos's Eyes

Level: 50+
Prerequisite for quests:
- Blue-Eyed Calvasus
Story Progress:
- Scoop: Hypnos's Eyes
- Blue-Eyed Calvasus
- Hypnos Challenger
- Welcoming the Guests
- Cheers to All
- Unforgettable
- Listen as Burnstein explains the operation
- Talk to NPC Reporter Burnstein
- Receive Blackfang's Pirate Flag from Burnstein
- Go out to the Sea of Procyon
- Go to Hypnos's Eyes
- Interact with object OBJECT #507421
- Wait while Burnstein takes photos
- Interact with object OBJECT #507422
- Go to where you can see the giant cannon
- Interact with object OBJECT #507423
- Wait while Burnstein takes photos
- Interact with object OBJECT #507424
- Go in the direction of the cannon in Hypnos's Eyes
- Interact with object OBJECT #507425
- Go to Hypnos's Eyes
Start NPC:
Reporter Burnstein
Burnstein, a reporter for an Arthetine newspaper, wants to cover the battle among the pirates that recently took place in Hypnos's Eyes. I can help him take photos around the area for his story.
- Roster XP
- Silver
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