ID: 5004106
The Most Controversial Question
icon Quest
Level: 1
Roster Quest
Zone: Totopia

Level: 50+
Required quests:
- Totopia Tutor for a Day
Prerequisite for quests:
- Voting in Totopia
- Dignity of the Low Born
- Rights of Equal Freedom
- Reason and Conscience
- Spirit of Brotherhood
- Full Realization of Freedom
- Suspicious Cat
- Attend a Secret Meeting
- Their Utopia?
Ask other animals' opinions
- Ask what the quick-pawed cat thinks
- Talk to NPC Ultra Fast Horse
- Ask what the ultra fast horse thinks
- Talk to NPC Ultra Fast Horse
- Talk to Ursa
- Talk to NPC Ursa
- Talk to the puppy Coco
- Talk to NPC Coco
- Talk to Ursa
- Talk to NPC Ursa
- Talk to Rakkoon
- Talk to NPC Rakunius
- Give Rakkoon some time to think
- Interact with object OBJECT #500422
- Talk to Rakkoon
- Talk to NPC Rakunius
- to join the debate of animals
- Talk to Ursa
- Talk to NPC Ursa
- to express admiration at Ursa's opinion
Start NPC:
A child named Ursa in Totopia is agonizing over a conundrum.
I should go help the kid.
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