ID: 4530161
[Guide] Travel Continents with the Ocean Liner
icon Quest
Level: 1
Roster Quest

Required quests:
- Set Sail!
Prerequisite for quests:
- Lost Legend
From the Legendary Adventurer
- Learn how to use the Ocean Liner
- Talk to NPC Legendary Adventurer
At each continent's Port
- Find the Ocean Liner Agent
- Interact with object OBJECT #71069
Start NPC:
Legendary Adventurer
Here's a tip for journeying between continents. Use the Ocean Liner to travel continents!
The Vern Adventurer Guild is explaining how to use the Ocean Liner.
I can learn from the Legendary Adventurer how to use the Ocean Liner
and try it myself.
!You can use South Vern's Ocean Liner after completing the adventure.
- Silver
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