ID: 4530115
[Guide] Logging: Saw Good
icon Quest
Level: 1
Roster Quest
Zone: Bilbrin Forest

Required quests:
- Contacting the Militia
- [Guide] Master Forager
- [Guide] Hunting: On the Trail
Bilbrin Forest in West Luterra
- Talk to the Trade Skill Guildmate
- Talk to NPC Trade Skills Guildmate
Talk to the Trade Skill Guildmate
- Receive a Novice Logging Tool
- Talk to NPC Trade Skills Guildmate
- Equip a Logging tool
Trees for Logging
- Click or for logging (0/2)
Start NPC:
Trade Skills Guildmate
I have to look for places with trees that can be logged .
When I find a tree, I can equip a logging tool to cut it down.
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