ID: 4503143
Pirate Village Atlas Dock
icon Quest
Level: 1
Roster Quest
Zone: Atlas

Required quests:
- The Way Forward
- Old Pirate Milik
Story Progress:
- A Rumor from the Sea
- Old Pirate Milik
- Pirate Village Atlas Dock
- Ponder the pirates' words
- Interact with object OBJECT #810004
- Talk to Blackfang
- Talk to NPC Blackfang
- Go in front of the Black Bell Roundtable
- Interact with object OBJECT #810006
- Talk to Milik
- Talk to NPC Old Pirate Milik
Around the Black Bell Roundtable
- [Option] View the right side where the sound of water can be heard
- Interact with object OBJECT #810008
- [Option] View the left side where the sound of water can be heard
- Interact with object OBJECT #810008
Where the water flows from the cliff
- Follow the lower source of water
- Interact with object OBJECT #810007
Where the source of water finally reached
- Find an even lower source of water
- Interact with object OBJECT #810008
Gap where you can hear water sounds below
- Stick the rusty sword in
- Interact with object OBJECT #810009
Shaking of the Black Bell Roundtable
- Examine the place where the sword is stuck
- Talk to NPC Sword-Pierced Water's Heart
What was found between the rocks
- Show it to Milik and Blackfang
- Interact with object OBJECT #810005
- Talk to Blackfang
- Talk to NPC Blackfang
- Talk to Milik
- Talk to NPC Old Pirate Milik
Start NPC:
Sylvain Pirate
I must stab the "heart of the water lower than the sea" with the rusty sword that Milik brought with him. But where to use the rusty sword?
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