ID: 4500007
The Way Forward
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: Abidos Garrison

Not accepted quest:
- Lingering Red Scent
Previous quest in the chain:
- Sunset and Daybreak
Prerequisite for quests:
- Nameless Dream
- Those Who Left and Those Who are Left Behind
- Connections and Connecting
- The Truth Cannot be Hidden
- Heart's Message
- Like Sand Through Fingers
- Nightmare Shadow
- Exploring The Unknown
- A Rumor from the Sea
- Old Pirate Milik
- Pirate Village Atlas Dock
- Where the Volcanic Ash has Settled
- Paving the Way to Victory
- Sizzling Heat
- It's Getting Hot In Here
- Head inside the Allied Forces Camp
- Find Azena at the Allied Forces Headquarters
- Interact with object OBJECT #121064
- Talk to Azena
- Talk to NPC Azena
- Tell Azena you have a plan
- Tell Azena your plan
- Talk to NPC Azena
- Listen to Azena's opinion
- Talk to NPC Azena
- Go to where the funerary rites will take place
- Interact with object OBJECT #121065
- Attend the funeral pyre
- Return to the Allied Forces Camp
A path to defeating Kazeros is beginning to emerge.
The Allied Forces have not fallen yet.
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