ID: 4301114
Merchant Road
icon Quest
Level: 1
Roster Quest
Zone: Vern Castle

Required quests:
- Into the Chaos
- Talk to Senator Arondel
- Talk to NPC Arondel
Candaria Merchant Administrator Candidate
- Look at Candidate Koel's resume
Candaria Merchant Administrator Candidate
- Look at Candidate Marte's resume
Decide which candidate is better suited for the job.
- Speak with Senator Arondel.
- Talk to NPC Arondel
First Candidate
- Meet Koel
- Talk to NPC Candidate Koel
Koel's Offer
- Try the Elixir
- Talk to Alchemist Koel
- Talk to NPC Candidate Koel
Second Candidate
- Meet Marte
- Talk to NPC Candidate Marte
Examine what Marte has prepared
- Travel to Port Krona
Supplies Prepared by Marte
- Examine the well-kept herb
- Interact with object OBJECT #112207
- Check the Sturdy Wooden Chest
- Interact with object OBJECT #112207
Personnel Prepared by Marte
- Negotiating Merchant
- Preparing Merchant
- Organizing Merchant
Vern Royal Merchant Guild Representative
- Illayne's Opinion
- Talk to NPC Illayne
Considering the Vern Royal Merchant Guild Representative's recommendation
- Write the letter of recommendation
End of Candidate Inspection
- Return to Vern Castle
Deliver the letter of recommendation
- Talk to Senator Arondel
- Talk to NPC Arondel
Angry Looking Candidate
- Koel's Reaction
- Talk to NPC Candidate Koel
Rebuke Koel
- After a about looking for another merchant guild
- to keep the faith
- Talk to Koel
- Talk to NPC Candidate Koel
To start this quest get the :
- Candaria Trade Company's Invitation
Candaria Merchant Group of South Vern aims to achieve balanced development and Human welfare through the Candaria Highway, where the Luganic River flows.
If you can't find the person you're looking for, check if you have completed the prerequisite quest.
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