ID: 4301108
The Bambiri Merchant Guild
icon Quest
Level: 1
Roster Quest
Zone: Atropos

Required quests:
- Music Echoes in Elzowin
- Meet the familiar face who visited Atropos
- Talk to NPC Mederiel
- Talk to the Bambiri chef Tuleu
- Talk to NPC Tuleu
- Tell Tuleu that you're willing to help
- Talk to Search and Rescue Leader Orlando
- Talk to NPC Search and Rescue Leader Orlando
- Go back to Tuleu with Mederiel
- Interact with object OBJECT #1129023
- Talk to Mederiel
- Talk to NPC Mederiel
- with Tuleu!
To start this quest get the :
- Mederiel's Letter
Veteran businessman Mederiel has called Player to Atropos, the Island of Merchants.
! If you can't find the person you're looking for, check if you completed the prerequisite quest.
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