ID: 405401
Shadow Market
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: Shadow Market

- Show the Entrance Ticket to the guards
Ask around about the recently-captured prisoners
- Prisoner Broker Sandamar
- Bounty Hunter Huga
- Captain Verona
Ask around about the recently-captured prisoners
- Broker Pidge
- Talk to NPC Bounty Hunter Pidge
- Follow Broker Pidge
- Interact with object OBJECT #32205
- Talk to Broker Pidge
- Talk to NPC Bounty Hunter Pidge
- Subdue Broker Pidge and get the key
- Interact with object OBJECT #32219
- Rescue the prisoners
- Interact with object OBJECT #32221
- Talk to Fahr
- Talk to NPC Fahr
- Take Fahr to the prisoner cages
- Interact with object OBJECT #32211
- Talk to Fahr
- Talk to NPC Fahr
- Check the prisoner cages
- Interact with object OBJECT #32212
Rescue the children
- Remove the threats to the children (0/4)
Rescue the children
- Reassure Ginny
- Reassure Isseri
- Reassure Jen
- Talk to Fahr
- Talk to NPC Fahr
Look for the missing Daybreaker
- Go to the Guard Post
- Interact with object OBJECT #32204
Look for the missing Daybreaker
- Move to the leader's room in the back of the market
- Interact with object OBJECT #32222
Look for the missing Daybreaker
- Defeat Mansen
Rescue the missing Daybreaker
- Break the steel bars and release Gabel
- Interact with object OBJECT #32208
Rescue the missing Daybreaker
- Talk to Daybreaker Gabel
- Talk to NPC Imprisoned Gabel
Rescue the missing Daybreaker
- Defeat the Prisoner Hunters with Gabel (0/20)
Rescue the missing Daybreaker
- Escape the Shadow Market with Gabel
- Interact with object OBJECT #32206
Rescue the missing Daybreaker
- Talk to Daybreaker Gabel
- Talk to NPC Imprisoned Gabel
It is an open secret that prisoners are being traded at the Shadow Market. I have resolved to find the Daybreaker who has infiltrated the market to get information about people who are being abducted everywhere in Shushire to be sold as prisoners.
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