Max stack count: 999
Bound to Character upon acquisition Cannot be dismantled
A Victory Crest given to the champion of the tournament. It looks quite valuable.
Buy price: 30,000 Sell price: 30,000
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In "season 1" of Lost Ark in Korea, there was a weapon vendor in Changhun that had weapons that you could needed the plate for.
As of right now, NA/EU does not have this weapon merchant.
Vendor trash has normally a blue bag icon, but this item does not, meaning it can be used elsewhere. Where to use it is the real question.
Here you can see the item as a part of a weapon:
In "season 1" of Lost Ark in Korea, there was a weapon vendor in Changhun that had weapons that you could needed the plate for.
As of right now, NA/EU does not have this weapon merchant.
Vendor trash has normally an blue bag icon, but this item does not, meaning it can be used elsewhere. Where to use it is the real question.
Here you can see the item as a part of a weapon: