ID: 197
Gravity Training
icon Engraving
Class Bonus

Lv. 1: Gravity Meter +20% upon using Gravity Release Skill. In Hypergravity Mode, Crit Rate of basic attacks and Vortex Gravity +10%. Outgoing Damage +4%. When the Hypergravity Skill hits the same foe 3 times, cause a Gravity Shock that inflicts additional Damage. Damage inflicted by Gravity Shock is influenced by Hypergravity Skill Damage.
Lv. 2: Gravity Meter +45% upon using Gravity Release Skill. In Hypergravity Mode, Crit Rate of basic attacks and Vortex Gravity +20%. Outgoing Damage +10%. When the Hypergravity Skill hits the same foe 3 times, cause a Gravity Shock that inflicts additional Damage. Damage inflicted by Gravity Shock is influenced by Hypergravity Skill Damage.
Lv. 3: Gravity Meter +70% upon using Gravity Release Skill. In Hypergravity Mode, Crit Rate of basic attacks and Vortex Gravity +30%. Outgoing Damage +20%. When the Hypergravity Skill hits the same foe 3 times, cause a Gravity Shock that inflicts additional Damage. Damage inflicted by Gravity Shock is influenced by Hypergravity Skill Damage.
Next Power Node Point Instructions:
Lv. 3
- [Destroyer] Gravity Training Engraving Recipe
Lv. 4
- [Destroyer] Gravity Training Engraving Recipe
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