ID: 5088109
[Awakening] Dark and light
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: Last Shelter

- On the threshold of darkness
Level: 50+
Required quests:
- [Awakening] Mysterious killers
Prerequisite for quests:
- [Awakening] Haman at the crossroads
- В поисках Утраченного Ковчега
- По следам Ключа
- Провозвестники Света
- Еретики и праведники
- Судный день
- Эхо резонанса
- Претерия
- Святилище в тумане
- Эпизод «Аман. Свет Судьбы»
- Дым над вулканом
Story Progress:
- [Awakening] Last Shelter
- [Awakening] to come back to the beginning
- [Awakening] Enemy of the human race
- [Awakening] Haman's childhood
- [Awakening] Human in Deron
- [Awakening] The roar of the forgotten wind
- [Awakening] Old friends
- [Awakening] Mysterious killers
- [Awakening] Dark and light
- Talk to Giovanni
- Talk to NPC Giovanni
Talk to Amadeus
- Return to Last Shelter
- Talk to Amadeus
- Talk to NPC Amadeus
Start NPC:
Ask Assassin Giovanni about what he knows about the affairs inside Sheakria and about Aman, and then return to Amadeus.
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