ID: 5070601
Turtle calm
icon Quest
Epona Quests - Daily Quests
Level: 1
Zone: Tortoise Island

Required quests:
- Let's go to the sea.
Prerequisite for quests:
- Simple joys
- Gather drowsiness (0/20)
I must admit, my mission is moving at a snail's speed ... I managed to teach the smallest land turtles to swim (they are no longer afraid to dive and sail a hundred meters from the shore), but this is not enough. They are still not ready for real migration to another island. As for adults, it is even worse with them. I show them how to stay on the water, how to move, and they ... go ahead! They go into the sea (this is already an achievement; a month ago they were afraid to approach the water's edge) and simply go down the bottom! Seven nearly drowned. They were so frightened that now they can’t fall asleep, and if they fall asleep, they sleep restlessly, toss and turn, they sort through their paws and groan plaintively. I feed the poor fellow dormouse, but I don’t have time to pick berries at all. If you are not indifferent among you, I will gratefully accept any feasible help.

- Raphael -

- Legacy Points
- Reputation Points
- Small Fetranite of Chaos (gs 0 ~ 499)
- Chaos Fetranite (gs 500+)
- Major Chaos Fetranite (gs 1250+)
- Great Fetranite of Chaos (gs 1415+)
- Small Flask of Warrior's Elixir (gs 0 ~ 499)
- Small Flask of Warrior's Elixir (gs 500+)
- Small Flask of Warrior's Elixir (gs 1250+)

Rescue turtles

The Efon alliance began with a small notice board in the handicraft quarter of Bern, which was established by the first head of the alliance - the shopkeeper Efon. With the help of a pair of slats, a plank and nails, he ... made a fortune! People who wanted to find a buyer or supplier could place their ads on the board for a moderate fee. After a couple of months, in addition to trading deals, they made bets with the help of the board, looked for helpers, hired personal guards and found volunteers ready to take up the dangerous job. Many years have passed since then, but the essence of the Efon Union has remained the same: we help you find each other.
- Gideon, Head of the Efon Union -
Raphael's assistant (Points: 10)
Raphael's Diary
Due to the melting of the Shushire glaciers, the world ocean level rises by 3 mm every year. The coastlines are slowly but surely shifting. Water is coming. If Ardetain scientists do not finally understand that their experiments and indefatigable ambitions affect the climate of all of Acrasia, we will very soon lose Turtle Island and several more islands in the Kratos Ocean, and in a few decades Ardetain himself will go under water.
Coast Patrol (Points: 20)
Additional story
This story will be available later..
Savior of turtles (Points: 40)
Additional story
This story will be available later..
Cleaning the Dragonfly (Points: 80)
Additional story
This story will be available later..
Friend of Kraag Ayer (Points: 150)
Additional story
This story will be available later..
1 level reward.

2 level reward.

3 level reward.

4 level reward.

5 level reward.
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