Quest Level: 1 Legacy Zone: Singing Island | |
Conditions: Level: 50+ Required quests: - Gratuitous Help Story Progress: - Singing forest - The game of silence - Gratuitous Help - My secret place Objective: I sailed the sea to - Move to Mercia <$HOTKEY_EMOTICON Menu_Inventory 0 0 -10 0 0 -10/>: открыть рюкзак и использовать ноты «Лесная баллада» - Исполнить Лесную балладу и найти секретное место - Interact with object OBJECT #502505 - Report a meeting friend pixie - Chatting with pixie friend on Mercia - Talk to NPC Shy fairy - Talk with pixy on Singing island - Talk to NPC Lurking pixie Start NPC: Lurking pixie Contents: You learned how to perform Forest Minuet. It’s time to visit the Reserves and look for hidden places there. Rewards 325
- Deck "Four Chances" - Hero bag with second level engraving sketch - Adropine Bottle - Vitality Potion - Shillings |