ID: 4301108
Creation of a caravan of merchants
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: Navaros

Required quests:
- The Miraculous Moths
- Travel to Navaros Island and track down Mederiel
- Talk to NPC Mederiel
- Talk to Turu
- Talk to NPC Tuleu
- Make a promise Turu help
- Talk to Orlando
- Talk to NPC Orlando
- Return to Mederiel and Turu
- Interact with object OBJECT #1129023
- Talk to Mederiel
- Talk to NPC Mederiel
- Станцевать от радости ()
To start this quest get the :
- Business proposal from merchants of Navaros
If you are planning a profitable deal, then there you will always meet merchants from the island Navaros. Now your friend Mederiel, whom you helped to establish trade in Rohandel, has settled on it. She also asked you to meet in a letter.
If you cannot find one of the characters, complete the other quests from your journal. Maybe the one you need is now in a different place.
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