ID: 206002
Sacred Sam
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: Angemoss Foothill

Previous quest in the chain:
- Angemoss Foothill
Prerequisite for quests:
- Be sure from the roots
- Strengthen defense
- Flame Burning Body
- Search Sacred Sam
- Talk to NPC Aman
- Get some spring water of the sacred spring
- Interact with object OBJECT #20833
Cleansing around the Sacred Fountain
- Set carcass of contaminated animals on fire (0/3)
- Interact with object OBJECT #20803
- Purify defiled springs
- Interact with object OBJECT #20803
- Speak with Aman
- Talk to NPC Aman
- Go to Border Watch
- Interact with object OBJECT #20837
What is this unknown disease that is killing people so quickly - and so terribly? Rash, bloody cough, ulcers ... If the water from the Hidden Spring is able to somehow protect against infection, it would be nice to take a couple of flasks.
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