ID: 1315005
King's word
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: Isendelf

Previous quest in the chain:
- Decisive battle
Prerequisite for quests:
- The story of an adventurer
- Heart of the mountain
- [Guide] Onwards to Payton
- Белая ворона
- Таинственный покровитель
- Нежданное путешествие
- Маленькая принцесса и ее свита
- Ожившая сказка
- Возвращение в реальность
- Повзрослевший ребенок
- Мечта снежинки
- Return to Isendelf
- Talk to king quaysar
- Talk to NPC King Quaysar
Everything is over. Belkruz destroyed. Troin and Groin fulfilled their duty to the descendants. And you and Vakhantur can safely call yourself the saviors of Yon. But, as your friend correctly noted, fame does not find itself. It's time to return to Isendelf.
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