ID: 1104101
Pesnar Plateau Board
icon Quest
Level: 1
Zone: Pesnar Plateau

Required quests:
- The guild member speaks by rating.
Prerequisite for quests:
- The top of the sky mist raided
- Even if I give up my life ...
Story Progress:
- Pesnar Plateau Board
- The top of the sky mist raided
- Echo of the Specter
- Fighting resumes
- Sigmund's Bloody Ring
- The rest of the fallen Knights Templar
- Go to Pesnar Plateau
Start NPC:
Pesnar Plateau Board
Many years ago, a decisive battle between the army of Bern and the troops of the necromancer Morgred took place in these places. Now here, for some reason, the dead soldiers began to revive. Only they are not fighting with each other, but with anyone who sets foot on their territory..
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