ID: 66103001
Spark of Chaos
Artifact Grade: 3

Max stack count: 9999
Account Bound on Receive
This Fetranian gem awakens the hidden properties of items of demonic origin.
Be careful looking at its edges: if you peer into Chaos for a long time, Chaos will begin to peer into you.
[Field Boss - South Bern] Chimerion
[Legion Raids - Beasts Commander Valtan]
[Legion Raids - Commander of desire Biackiss]
[Legion Raids - Abrelshuld]
[Legion Raids - Kouku-Saton]
[Field Boss - Rowen] Helmir
[Field Boss - Ergasia] Isferial
[Abyss Dungeons - Kayangel]
[Legion Raids - Iliakin]
[Abyss Dungeons - Башня слоновой кости]
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[Legion Raids - Камен, Владыка Тьмы]
[Рейды Казероса - Прелюдия: Белая ночь, обагренная кровью]

Buy price: 100
Sell price: 1
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