ID: 63020017
Aventura: dolmen

Recuento máximo de stacks: 1
Ligar al elenco al recogerse
No se puede desmontar.
Un antiguo cementerio formado por columnas de piedra. Se cree que fue creado antes de que surgiera la civilización en Berna. Las piedras están colocadas a lo largo del acantilado.
[Intercambio - Cuna de Yorn] Barco del gremio de cazadores de marlines

Precio de compra: 10
Precio de venta: 1
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AnNaj 4-04-2022 20:21
It says you can get it by exchange in Yorn, but where is the NPC for this?
Kiriak 4-04-2022 21:38
It seems, it's not available at the moment. If you'll check the collections section and hover over the Yorn area, the tooltip says "There are no collectible points yet."

EDIT: So here is the path to track the source of this collectable item. You get it as a reward for the ocean adventure shown on the "Ocean adventure reward tab". Then on the adventure's page you can see the source item, which you have to get to activate it. And on the source item's page you can actually see, where you can get it from.
In this case it would be this Secret Map, which is sold by Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel.
I'm still not sure, if it's available in the game at this moment or not.
AnNaj 5-04-2022 02:00
In the collectible section there are Maps, where it says something like "[Exchange]Harbourname - Shipname", which i found. On this one it only states: "[Exchange] Yorn".

Ok thank you for the quick reply, i'll try.
AnNaj 5-04-2022 02:24
Like you said it is sold by the spearfish guild ship for 3340 Arcturus coins.

Thank you for the Help. The "[Exchange - Yorn]" was misleading.

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