ID: 520102
개발자의 가방


최대 스택 개수: 999
획득 시 캐릭터 귀속
개발자들이 출퇴근할 때 매고 다니는 후줄근한 가방.
안에는 무엇이 들어 있을까?
가격을 구입: 100
이 페이지의 데이터를 편집하려면 로그인하십시오..
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
IDontLikeNames 28-03-2022 14:23
the containments of the dev bags: 4 cd's priced 40440 lets take this one as an example. When you divide 40440 by 4 you get 10110 . Next the silver exchange will just be a 1 . Greenbull 825 divided by 75 = 11 . Lylenel 2002 / 2 = 1001 so as this clearly shows there is a secret binary code given to us i digged a bit further.

[Devbags contents]-[Alphabetical number] -
00000110 cbt = 6 = F
00000001 exch = 1 = A
00010110 cd = 22 = V? (u)?
00000011 green = 3 = C
00001001 lylenel = 9 = I

So as a string of binary contains 8 characters and for example the suspicious cd's 40440 / 4 = 10110 . Then 10110 = 00010110 Which when you convert it to alphabetical numbers it will be 22. the 22th letter in the alphabet is V . Now When you look at this from Most valuable item to lowest. you will get the letters F A V C I. Which looks a lot like Fauci. or maybe thats just me ? There is a reddit post about this too.
Kiriak 28-03-2022 14:40
That's some conspiracy, bro! smile.gif

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